5 Big Signs Of Possum Intrusion In Your Home

5 Big Signs Of Possum Intrusion In Your Home

Possums, also known as opossums, are nocturnal animals that are commonly found in urban areas. While they are generally harmless, they can cause damage to your home and property, and even pose a health risk to you and your family. That is why it is always recommended to hire a professional possum removal service for all your possum problems.

5 Big Signs Of Possum Intrusion In Your Home

What Are Possums And How Do They Invade Your Home?

Possums, also known as opossums, are nocturnal marsupials. They are scavengers and feed on dead animals. They are known for their opportunistic behaviour and ability to adapt to urban environments, which can sometimes lead to them invading homes. Possums are generally harmless, but their presence in your home can cause a range of problems.

Possums are omnivores, which means they will eat just about anything they can find, including pet food, fruits, vegetables, and even garbage. This means they may be attracted to the food sources in and around your home. They are also excellent climbers and can access your home through holes, cracks, and gaps in your roof, walls, or foundation.

Once inside your home, possums can cause a variety of problems. They can damage your home by gnawing on electrical wires, wooden structures, and other materials. They can also leave behind droppings and urine, which can create an unpleasant odour and pose a health risk to you and your family. Possums are also known to carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, and salmonella, which can be harmful to humans and pets.

5 Big Signs Of Possum Intrusion In Your Home- 

Here are five big signs of possum intrusion in your home:

1. Droppings 

Possums leave behind droppings that are dark, oval-shaped and have a strong, unpleasant odour. You may find them in your attic, crawlspace, or under your deck. These droppings can pose a health risk to humans and pets, so it’s important to clean them up as soon as possible.

2. Gnaw Marks

Possums have sharp teeth that they use to gnaw on things, and you may notice gnaw marks on wooden structures around your home, such as door frames, window sills, and electrical wires.

3. Footprints

Possums have five toes on each foot, and their prints are easy to distinguish from other animals. You may find possum footprints in the mud or dust around your home, or on the roof or deck.

4. Scratching Noises

Possums are nocturnal animals and are most active at night. You may hear scratching or shuffling noises coming from your attic, crawlspace, or under your deck, which may indicate the presence of possums in your home.

5. Foul Odour

Possums have a strong, musty odour that can permeate your home if they are living inside. This odour may become more noticeable in the spring and summer months when possums are more active.

If you notice any of these signs of possum intrusion in your home, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Possums can carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, and salmonella, and can also damage your home and property. Contact a wildlife removal specialist to safely remove the possums from your home and prevent them from returning.

Possum intrusion can be a serious problem for homeowners. By being aware of the signs of possum intrusion and taking action quickly, you can protect your health and keep your home and property safe from damage.

Why Hire Professionals To Get Rid Of Possums?

If you have possums invading your home, it’s important to get professional help for possum removal services. Possums can cause a variety of problems, including property damage, unpleasant odours, and health risks, so it’s important to remove them as soon as possible.

Professional possum removal services have the experience and expertise to safely and humanely remove possums from your home. They use techniques and equipment designed specifically for possum removal, and they know how to prevent possums from returning.

In addition to removing the possums, professional possum removal services will also perform a thorough inspection of your home to identify and repair any areas that may be contributing to the possum invasion. This may include sealing holes, cracks, and gaps in your roof, walls, and foundation, and removing any food sources that may be attracting the possums.

Another important aspect of professional possum removal services is the protection of wildlife. Possums are protected under wildlife laws, so it’s illegal to harm or kill them. Professional possum removal services follow all local and state laws and regulations, and they ensure that the possums are relocated to a safe and appropriate location.

Where To Hire Professionals?

In case you are searching for the best possum removal service providers in Melbourne, you can hire professionals at 711 Possum Removal Melbourne. We offer all kinds of possum removal services at affordable prices across Melbourne. We have a reputed team with top-class equipment for possum removal. To act safely after seeing big signs of possum intrusion in your home, you must hire professionals.